

SIDC provides a variety of services to its five county region. 
Use the drop down arrow in the navigation bar to select a service.

SIDC works with local governments, not-for-profits, and developers to identify needs, problems, and issues and to determine the most efficient, effective method of meeting and solving them. SIDC assists with prioritizing needs, identifying methods of financing, and when appropriate, applying for funding. SIDC has seven Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs certified grant administrators on staff. SIDC provides members:
  • General technical assistance to member units of government
  • Service as a sponsoring agency for Indiana Department of Transportation 5311 funding for a seven county rural transit system, Ride Solution, serving Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Gibson, Martin, Perry, Pike, Spencer, Sullivan and Warrick Counties.
  • Data on rural transportation needs and issues through the Small Urban and Rural Planning Program from the Indiana Department of Transportation.
  • Assistance with project development activities, preparation of grant applications and project administration and financial management, federal labor standards certification, and environmental review for the following agencies:
    • Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs Construction and Planning Grant,
    • Indiana Economic Development Corporation Economic Development Program,
    • U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration,
    • U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Programs,
    • Indiana Homeland Security,
    • Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority
  • Assistance in the development and application for Office of Community and Rural Affairs Community Development Action Grant, Community Planning Fund, Community Economic Development Fund, and other state programs; assistance with Indiana Department of Natural Resources state and federal grant programs; and assistance with grant programs from other state agencies.
  • Assistance with project development activities, preparing grant applications and providing project administration and financial management, program delivery, and environmental review for Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority programs. Preparation of housing needs analysis and feasibility studies for organizations and local units of government.
  • Maps of communities, project sites, etc. as available from commission mapping software.
  • Assistance with Indiana Department of Natural Resources 5 year master park planning.
  • Assistance in coordinating with State and Federal agencies and programs.  
  • Assistance to local economic development organizations with their activities upon request.
  • A newsletter to provide information on SIDC’s work, State and Federal programs and activities within the area served by SIDC.
  • Service as an affiliate of the Indiana State Data Center and provides Census, workforce development, and other data to the five-county area.
  • A regional library of over 1,700 documents and reference materials.
  • Representation on the Crane Regional Economic Development Organization (CREDO) - a six county economic development organization concerned with the future of the Naval Surface Warfare Center at Crane and the economic impact of the facility and the economic growth and development of the surrounding counties.
  • Assistance with Brownfield assessment and redevelopment.
  • Assistance with flood recovery efforts.
  • Assistance with hazard mitigation planning.

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